My Rough Cut Double Page Spread:

Peer Review
Whilst collecting information on what my peers thought of my double page spread, the main thing that was mentioned was the unfinished article. This is currently in progress and will be done for the final deadline. I am planning to structure the article around the new lifestyle the artist is experiencing and what fame has done to her and how she feels. They are very conventional questions asked for a fresh new teenage star and will fit in the three columns I have provided next to the image. My peers agreed that the images on the side were effective however said that they could have a little more dominance by putting a border round. My idea for this is to put polaroid style boxes around the pictures in order to give a little design to the page. My peers also recommended using different font and colours that match the new contents page and front cover as they navy is not effective as I imagined. They said to take out the navy boxes and add a little more white to the page.
Teacher Review
The initial comment my teacher has given me is to cut out the photo out of the grey background and place it on the white page. This will make the image look more effective and hopefully create a better impact to the bent around text on the page. My teacher also agreed with my peers about the fact the navy columns need to be rethought and reconsidered. On suggestion that I will make changes too is putting a quote into the article. This quote will be broken up by coloured lines which will be repeated to for the header and footer lines. If I am deciding to use a different font i will need to change all of the features of my double page spread. My teachers were very positive about the photos taken as they are clear with clear backgrounds which can be adapted to the page.
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