NME's contents page uses an effective subheading backround to text. The black gives a brilliant base to the bold white of the text. This distinguises the sub heading from the information below and splits the mass amount of text in one section. I think I will use this idea for my contents page as it makes the page more diverse and interesting. Another point about this contents page is that the logo colour that is used in the top left corner is then repeated in the bottom left corner. It causes the audiences eyes to fall between these two points in a unique way as the red is a prominant primary colour.
Mojo uses a slightly more unique approach to the main image as it it dominant and the other features are dependently placed in positions that are appropriate to the photo. I like this contents page on the left because of the way the body position of the artist effects the text position on the left making it swerve in sync with the body. It looks interesting and the colours match the image subject matter. The red reflects on the red hair of Florence Welch whilst the white text used for the information contrasts boldly against the black costume she is wearing. This mise en scene is very effective and I hope to photograph an image that creates a style which is appropriate for my target audience just like the indie stereotypes that are the general audience for the magazine NME.
Top of the pops contents page separates its contents into different sections. This gives the reader plenty to look at without overloading them with too much text. They also use an Inside the mag feature which I will interpret in my contents page as it uses the most attractive looking stories to encourage the reader to buy it. The girly colour scheme and specific subject matters of this magazine suits its target audience and I will use this effect to attract a more general music lover.
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